Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hey! I'm back. :) from SuperCamp. This camp, more than awesome I'd say. I mean seriously, no regrets at all. It was the bomb. First day was so awkward, some of us thought we've made the wrong decision. Whereas last day was soo sooo emotional. Everyone misses everyone. Looking or staring at anyone for just 2 secs tears just came rolling down like nobody's business. You don't even have to tell them you miss 'em. Tears showed it all.
I've definitely learnt a lot but I don't think I need to share it here. It was worth it. 7 days wasn't enough. Right people? Sigh. Oh by the way, I've created facebook. I know, i know. I should have done that like years ago? But yeah whatever just add me.
I MISS SUPERCAMP ALREADY! :'( pics up soon.
Elisia's Surprise-Swimming-Outing!
or I don't know what.

I'm sorry I can't upload anymore pics.

Next time then! ;)

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