I quit cheer. yeap. Just 5 hours ago. and I'm missing it already. I chose to quit, dont ask why. Some people know why..but dont say a word about it. Its really depressing. Really miss it after being in for a year. aih. Especially times in practices, to perform mainly for sports day, in a new open tuition centre, in Putrajaya, and of course.. the best performance was in NIKKO HOTEL. :))
I miss my cheer friends. They are nice. erm. right? ahaha. We do crazy stuffs and get high whenever and wherever. Gosh, I really miss Nikko Hotel. Especially the staying over in that hotel part. SO awesome. The food, fun, craziness, those gossips, laughter, ... everything. miss it laa. hmm..
AHhh. You just can't turn the time back. HOW I WISH i could. and I bet you wish tooo right. Well, maybe. Some of you. Life is just so annoying. Dont you think? Its like when you are in, or like when you are in Form 3. You complained that having PMR is so stressful, need to study everyday. Just like when you are in cheer, you might (might only arr) complain how tiring it is. But if you pass those times already, you'll miss it like crap.
Hmm.. like when you are older, we will surely miss times when we are younger... but when we are in that stage... you will wana not be in that time, and you wish you could be older and go college, work, having a gorgeous family, having babies..... hahaah. right?
Everything comes and go. People come and go. Why stress yourself up if you are gona go soon? Work hard AND still enjoy life la! Life's once only. ONCE. you can't live it again. ANYWAYS. My point is I use to not like being in here, but since im in here. Like seriously God chose me. apart from all the other sperms. I swam in. nyahahaah, right! So since God chose me. I'll live it with Him by my side. He giuding me through my entire life. NOW, that sounds comforting. Thank you God. :D
Yikes. Urhm. Enjoy your holidays people. DONT regret of doing stuff that you dont want to do. Its just one week. Freaking short laa. so spend it wisely. :) Ta's!
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