Thursday, June 11, 2009

sponge cake.

Tell you what!
Pulau Redang is a must-go place.
Its so beauutiifuull. :)

Will ya just look at the colour of the beach?
My dad took the suite room,
the accommadation was so awesome.
. .
Anyways, more moree about it laterr..
BIG news!
I cut my hair.
I mean to me its a big news larr.

nonono, this was my original hair. :)

now here,

don't get a shock!
I'll warn you first,


that lady doesn't know how to cut.
know why?
cause she's pregnant and that makes her pretty angry,
i think.
She's so rough. urgghh!
yuck larr, mum says I look like a watermelon!
and I agreed.
yennee cut with me tooo, hers no different lahh right.
well she said I look fine.
awww. :) sometimes you gotta be honest you know.
I really wonder what you really think.

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