Friday, July 3, 2009

Pulau Redang.

Heyho! I know it have been so long.. but. whatever. JUst enjoy looking at 'em. :)

See.. the beach so beautiful.

okay. this is Pulau Redang's Marine Park.
4 balau, IF you do your english homework that teacher gave that day. They have this section that talks about Redang's Marine Park. So you can get more info from there.

OH yeah, speaking about 'our english teacher'.. omg. I think half of our class dislike her AFTER the parents teacher meeting day. She was such a TOOT I tell you.
I wasn't there but this was what she told my dad:

Ur daughter mixed with the wrong friends.
She talk a lot. Especially with Bron Win, and also those guys at the back.
(like hello? since when did I talk to them A LOT? seriously I've never seen myself talking to them A LOT. you guys know also la right)..(and do you know that since kindergarden until NOW my report card always, i mean always, say that ''Kae Yi is a shy and quiet girl. She..yada yada..'' its the 1st time i actually heard a teacher said that i'm noisy)

*and then she continues her talk*

She also talked a lot with the person who got NO.36 in class.
(O_O who the heck is that no.36 fella in my class?)
(why didn't she mention the name? oh teacher, I dont think you even know who is it!. you're just crapping and you just wana say something to all the parents even if it makes no sense.)

She. is. weird.

Still, I forgive you.

Thank goodness you didn't say that I didn't pass up my homework.
you know why?

Oh sorry humans who got accuse of not passing up your homework,

its okay. :) forgive her la!


okay I shall continue my trip to Redang,

This is Terengganu's oil factory.

Over there wrote in a sign board:

'Dilarang mengambil gambar.'

So my mum was like..ehhh take more!

hahaha. :P

hehe, Terengganu's beach.

ahem! so not redang la.

now this is it. :)

omg I love the suite laa.


our lunch, hehe,
too bad! com doesn't want to upload my pics. haha.

We then went snorkeling after our lunch.

Overall we went 3 times.

The 1st time, my little 6 years old sister was brave. ;)

Look at the crowds!

Pretty huh?

Did you know my camera is the waterproof one?
So. yeah. Don't worry I did not spoil it by bringing down to the ocean. ;)


Its sea cucumber. :)
and its freaking breathing, i mean duh la right.
but my point is it moves in my hand, you can feel the breathing part of it.
its not disguisting that you have to go like eeeyyerrr.. its pretty interesting.

We saw dory. :)
The finding nemo's dory.

But i dont think thats the one in the pic.

The 2nd day;

see what I mean?
Not so brave after all.

She said that she's scared by the fish, as it looks like it will come and tickle her. -.-
So she sat there and started building sand castles.
We brought the 'shubber' for her. :)

cute, I like the word shubber. Thats what she calls it, not sure whether it exists or not tho.

yes dear, I can see how's ur sand castle going, after like an hour?

I love the kid's life jacket laa. So cute on them. :)

I think they called this 'sea christmas tree',

or is it 'baby christmas tree' ?

or is it 'coral baby chrsitmas tree' ?

you know what, I have no idea.

Oh yeah, forgot to tell you.

2nd day we went snorkeling in Marine Park (which is this one)
this other part of the ocean laa, but our cam went out of battery so we didn't take any.

Damn, and that last snorkeling trip, which is the 3rd one, was THE BEST.


This is the 'Mo Mo Cha' place.
You know the movie?
I cried like shit watching it over there. Damn sad.
They have this channel which plays that show 24 hours a day. -.-

Orla, pirates!

Dinner time!
Look! We have loads of prawn (and muscles..eww!) and I have baked potatoes. :D

Oh yum!
Just so you know, we can't decline the muscles because it comes with the suite room.

3rd day;

Building sand castles again! :D
this time with our help!

but if im not mistaken, we failed too.
haha ;P
cause the sand sangat the smooth mahh, once you stepped on it your feet sinks,
so not the building-sand-castle-type. :)

I damn love the colour of the ocean laa.
So pretty and so clear.
By the way, if you are close to the hills or is it the mountain, it looks like a woman lying there,

that guy has good photography skills.
Home sweet home.

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