Sunday, August 16, 2009

Yesterday, I went to BMW's showroom to see cars. I didn't wanted to go, but hey I went and I didn't regret at all. I asked dad how long does it take, he said 2 hours and thats why I went. But at last it took us 4 and a half hours. Still, no regets. :)

Why? Cause it was so awesome. They were having some promotion or offers on BMW cars. So there is some food and drinks to attract customers. I wasn't a customer, just a little thing following my parents around, BUT I got attracted to it. What more about someone who can afford a car?

Anyways, the reason I got attracted isn't just because of the food. Oh yeah, the food was cooked by EDEN. You know the one in curve? It was really good. I couldn't stop eating. haha. I got attracted to those BMW cars too. I've never prefer a BMW more than a Merz, but now.. maybe, just maybe, I like both of them already.

Hmm..Daddy and mummy still considering. and for ME, I sit there and dream about my future car. haha.

Tell you what, I didn't know that BMW so cool punya. For some series, I didn't know that in front of the passenger theres a mini TV/Computer. You can go online or even do whatever you want. I also didn't know that if you say out loud ''92.9'' to the speaker it will automatically change it for you. No need to press press press. I didn't know that when someone calls you you can answer it through your car. No need handsfree, just talk to the speaker like you are talking to yourself/your car.

ahhh. Coolness. I like the sound of BMW's car door and also for MERZ. haha. Where once you open it, it goes ''PE KAK'' and once you close it, it goes ''DUNG BOOM''. LOL. You understand me? haha. I feel lame. -.-

Actually BMW is okay laa, don't know why I didn't like it last time. Anyways, picture time! Oh by the way, I think I'm not suppose to take pics of those cars so I did not. Just some other stuff there that I took..

see, so yummy.

ada chicken, ada fried rice, ada satay,.. ;)
ada bunga also. hee.

this is where you go like:

''Oh my goshhh.. sooo cuuutteee''

seee.. ''kid's road''. cute :D

the traffic light can blink blink one, and the P is so tiny cute. The cones are soo adorable too. :D

I'm loving this book.

This was just somewhere in SS2 ;

mini cooper.
taking it just for fun.

Volks Wagen Beetle.
this isn't for fun.
Maybe they will get this.
Love the colour, but theres something I don't like about it.

Jye yi :)
I think she looks 'fake' here. haha.
she was annoyed cause she wants to go do something else.

and for this, I think she really looks cute. :)


Gosh, I have diarrhoea today and I don't know why. For 5 times and I feel damn hungry. I ate 2 gardenia bread and I've just finish the peanutbutter. Then, I ate 2 biscuits of Chipsmore. Plus, daddy bought back Mc.D. So I ate that too.

Still, I'm not satified. I'm full but not satisfied full. Later it was dinner time and I gobbled up everything and then only I was full. But right after dinner, mummy say those food I ate isn't good for my body and it will cause more diarrhoea. -.- now only you say..

Last night, I watched Transformers. I didn't watch it that day because I found out that my parents were already snoozing off. So we postponed it till last night. :) the movie was played at 12.10am.

At 1.00am, mummy says she wants to go sleep. -.- then at 1.50am, daddy says its boring and so he went upstairs to sleep. So it was me alone. :p

Blahblah, the movie ended at 2.30am. I wouldn't say its damn nice, but I would say its nice. At least its worth staying up late to watch laa.


Yay for Manchester. :) ehh I didn't know Owen is good looking. and so now I know..
wookay. Ta's!
I have a few more pics,
com don't wana upload it,
too bad! next time then. :)

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